Photo of Dr. Margarita Degtyarevea

When Dr. Margarita Degtyarevea switched to the Schick 33 digital intraoral sensor, she was extremely impressed with the increased clarity and diagnostics. So impressed, she retook x-rays on patients who had them taken with her old sensors six months prior—just to see the difference.

“Images taken by Schick 33 are the clearest, the sharpest and the most diagnostic,” she said. She immediately found things that the previous sensor did not reveal as clearly.

In addition to Schick 33, Dr. Margarita also uses CEREC AC with Omnicam, SIROLaser and HELIODENT. Together, she can service patients better and faster—and she’s been able to grow her practice because that’s the type of service that gets patients talking.

Based in New York City, Dr. Margarita’s practice was affected by Hurricane Sandy in 2012. She had 4 feet of salt water in her office, which damaged all of her equipment. The day after the storm, Patterson Dental showed up to take her equipment and start repairs.

“It was amazing for me because they saved my office,” Dr. Margarita said.

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